University of Technology, Sydney


Dr Rod Bennison

Rod Picture

Dr Rod Bennison

JP BSc MEnvStudies GradCertPTT PhD FLS

Honorary Fellow Macquarie University

Conjoint Fellow Newcastle University

Key areas of interest

  • Commercial exploitation of animals;
  • Representations of animals as insignificant others; and,
  • The divide between animal protection and environmentalism.


Bennison, R. (2012, in press). An history of nonhuman animals in sport and entertainment, with an emphasis on the 'Sport of Queens'. Proceedings of the Animals and the Law Conference, October 24-25, 2011, Barcelona, Spain. DG-SANCO, European Commission.

Bennison, R.L., 2011. “The Qur’ân, Shari‘a Law and the Exclusion of Nonhuman Animals”. In: Being for the Other: Issues in Ethics and Animal Rights, Manish Vyas (ed.). Daya Publishing House, New Delhi.

Bennison, R.L., 2011. “An Inclusive Re-engagement with Our Nonhuman Animal Kin: Considering Human Interrelationships with Nonhuman Animals”. Animals 1(1): 40-55

Bennison, R.L., and O’Sullivan, S., 2011. “Riding the Crest of a Human-Animal Studies Wave”. Society and Animals.

Bennison, R.L., Williams, L., and O’Sullivan, S., 2011. “Minding Animals: the Human Re-engagement with Animals”. Humanimalia 2(2):

Bennison, R.L., 2010. “The Qur’ân, Shari‘a Law and the Exclusion of Nonhuman Animals”. Journal of the Commonwealth Veterinary Association 26(1): 5-12.

Bennison, R.L., 2009. “Animals and War”. In: Encyclopedia of Animals Rights and Animal Welfare, Marc Bekoff (ed.). GreenwoodPress, Westport.

Bennison, R.L., 2009. “Ecological Inclusion”. In: Encyclopedia of Animals Rights and Animal Welfare, Marc Bekoff (ed.). GreenwoodPress, Westport.

Loveridge, A., and Bennison, R.L., 2007. “Considering Animals”. H-Animal Website. Accessed at:


Bennison, R.L., 2009. Minding Animals. Keynote presentation to the Knowing Animals Conference: cross-fertilisation between natural and social sciences for understanding the quality of life of animals, Welfare Quality International Conference, Palazzo di Congressi, Florence, Italy.

Bennison, R.L., 2009. Ecological Inclusion, the Protection of Animals and the Total Environment. Paper presented at the International Academic and Community Conference on Animals and Society: Minding Animals, University of Newcastle, Newcastle.

Bennison, R.L., 2009. Islam and the Protection of Nonhuman Animals. Paper presented at the International Academic and Community Conference on Animals and Society: Minding Animals, University of Newcastle, Newcastle.

Bennison, R.L., 2009. Overkill and Overstatement. Paper presented at the International Academic and Community Conference on Animals and Society: Minding Animals, University of Newcastle, Newcastle.

Bennison, R.L., 2008. Ecological Inclusion: animal welfare and the total environment. Paper presented at the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS) Conference, Gold Coast.

Bennison, R.L., 2007. The Qur'ân, Shari'a Law and the Exclusion of Nonhuman Animals. Paper presented at the Animals and Society II: Considering Animals Conference, University of Tasmania, Hobart.

Bennison, R.L., 2007. Late Quaternary Extinction Events: overkill and overstatements. Paper presented at the Biodiversity Extinction Crisis Conference: A Pacific Response, University of New South Wales, Sydney.

Bennison, R.L., 2005. Wild or Domestic: issues of management and social construction. Paper presented at the Inaugural Conference of the Society and Animals (Australia) Study Group, University of Western Australia, Perth.

